Don't Be a Dick to Your Dog
How To Train Your Dog With Love + Science - Dog Training with Annie Grossman + Anamarie Johnson PhD
On being a dog run snob! Also: The case for spending money on pets, and how to help your dog have a good Thanksgiving (Hint: Be your dog's advocate!)
Current time: 0:00 / Total time: -35:47

On being a dog run snob! Also: The case for spending money on pets, and how to help your dog have a good Thanksgiving (Hint: Be your dog's advocate!)

A bunch of media outlets have recently done stories about private dog runs in NYC, and have mentioned School For The Dogs' School Yard sessions, which are playtimes for dogs. School Yard is members-only, by-appointment and trainer-supervised. Annie talks about why the service is so special, and also why it's so expensive. She addresses some of the negative feedback she's gotten to the articles. She also discusses how she plans to train with her dog, Poppy, while visiting family, and suggests ways in which people can approach training a timid dog in new places or with new people over the holidays. 

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Learn more about School Yard here:

Products mentioned in this episode are all available!  Also come shop with us at our storefront in Manhattan at 92 E. 7th Street. 

Revol dog crate:

Slow food bowls:

Want to donate to help a rescue dog owner in need access free private training? Learn more about our Scholarship Fund at

Articles mentioned: 

The New York Times: Does Your Dog Deserve a Private Park?

New York Post: Pledging for pooches: VIP clubs where NYC’s doggie 1 percent hangs out

The Wall Street Journal: Dogs Rule at These New York City Spots—For a Price

Other episodes about relevant topics:

Partial Transcript:


Hello, Annie Grossman here. I am the host of School for the Dogs Podcast and the owner and co-founder of School for the Dogs in New York City on East 7th Street and 1st Avenue. Make sure you come on by when you're doing your shopping this holiday season. You can also shop with us at

We specialize in selling toys that are meant to engage your dog’s brain and mouth at meal times. Of course, we also have an awesome selection of treats. We have our own house brand of Lamb Lung training tools. Everything we sell, we sell because we use these things ourselves. We use them with our dogs. It's just, yeah, just great stuff. So make sure you do shop with us this holiday season. We put a lot of love and effort into our shop and make sure to follow us on Instagram @SchoolfortheDogs, because we do product giveaways every Friday.

Full Transcript at

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